There is joy in the House of the Lord!
“Encourage one another toward love and good deeds, and do not give up meeting together.” | Hebrews 10:24-25:

Each Service our your child will be provide a safe, loving, and caring environment. Our dedicated children’s workers pray, sing, and minister to your child.
Available every Sunday & Wednesday
0 – 3 years

Faith Kids
Your child will begin to have their own revelation of who God is! Each week our children worship, sing, pray, and learn the Word of God.
Available every Sunday & Wednesday
K – 5th grade

Youth & Young Adult
Our Youth Church gather and fellowship weekly. They enter into the presence of the Lord with Worship and the Word.
Sunday Nights at 6:00pm
Middle school, high school, & college students

Women’s and Men’s Book Study
An additional meeting in the week. Grow and connected with like-minded believers!
We are studing the book ‘Answer It’, written by Nancy Dufrense. A copy is avaliable for you at our book store!
Thursday Nights at 7:00pm